Technological devices and the transformation of the perception of moral values


  • Ilka Villarreal G. Universidad Internacional Nueva Luz Author


This paper addresses the determination to analyze how technological devices have transformed the perception of moral values in contemporary society. The research focuses on understanding the diligent relationship between technology and morality, and how these interactions influence people's behavior and ethical decision-making. A review of the existing literature on the relationship between technology and morality is conducted, analyzing previous theories and studies. Additionally, personal reflections and practical examples are integrated to illustrate the observed changes in the perception of moral values. The results indicate that technological devices have produced a significant change in the perception of moral values. The excessive dependence on technology and the virtualization of social interactions have posed challenges to moral integrity and the authenticity of values. In conclusion, the transformation of the perception of moral values due to technological devices is a complex phenomenon that presents both opportunities and challenges. It is essential to promote a critical and balanced reflection on the use of technological devices and to foster an environment where moral values can adapt and thrive without losing their fundamental essence.


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2024-06-30 — Updated on 2024-06-30


How to Cite

Technological devices and the transformation of the perception of moral values. (2024). INNOVA-LUZ, 1(1), 10-17.